amacam faidz
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
mitos atau fakta berkenaan coklat
mitos: Coklat yang mengandungi koko adalah makanan yang tidak berkhasiat.
fakta: Satu bar 1.5 auns coklat susu menyumbang kandungan peratus berikut kepada nilai pemakanan harian yang disyorkan (USRDA): Kalcium - 9%; Riboflavin - 9%; Protein - 6%; Zat Besi - 3%; Vitamin A - 2.4%; Thiamine - 2%. Nilai khasiatnya akan bertambah jika kacang atau mentega kacang dicampurkan. Coklat sungguh berkhasiat.
mitos: Coklat adalah sumber utama 'dietary sugar' untuk kanak-kanak.
fakta: Kajian yang dijalankan di Michigan State University menunjukkan bahawa kurang MYTHdaripada 3 peratus daripada jumlah pengambilan gula oleh kanak-kanak diperolehi dari coklat dan lain-lain konfeksyen.
mitos: Coklat mengandungi sodium yang tinggi.
fakta: Satu bar 1.5 auns.coklat yang tidak manis atau separuh manis hanya mengandungi 1.5 mg sodium; satu bar coklat susu - 40 mg. Cuba bangdingkan dengan: 1 cawan susu - 122 mg; 1 keping roti gandum - 132 mg dan 1 auns keju swiss yang mengandungi 440mg sodium.
mitos: Coklat menyebabkan kerosakan gigi.
fakta: Kajian telah mendapati bahawa satu daripada bahan yang terdapat dalam serbuk koko menghalang pembiakan bakteria yang akan membentuk plak gigi. Oleh itu coklat bukanlah penyebab jerawat. Sebenarnya, faktor pemakanan tidak mempunyai kesan atau bukan merupakan punca langsung terhadap jerawat tetapi ia adalah keadaan kulit yang disebabkan oleh aliran keluar minyak yang berlebihan.
mitos: Kafein dalam coklat menyebabkan kanak-kanak terangsang dan menyebabkan mereka terlalu aktif.
fakta: Satu auns coklat adalah 5 milligrams. Satu cawan kopi mengandungi antara 93 dan 153 milligrams dan bagi teh pula ia bergantung kepada berapa lama ia dibuat, mengandungi antara 28 dan 44 milligram kafein secawan. Ada juga minuman ringan yang mengandungi antara 32-65 milligrams bagi satu tin seberat 12 auns. Anda terpaksa memakan banyak bar coklat (lebih kurang 50 - 1.5 auns bar coklat) barulah anda boleh menyalahkan coklat kalau anda tidak nyenyak tidur.
mitos: Memakan coklat dan lain-lain konfeksyen adalah penyebab utama kegemukan kanak-kanak.
fakta: Kajian menunjukkan kanak-kanak obes mengambil gula yang kurang tetapi lebih kepada lemak dan protein.
*sumber lembaga koko malaysia
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
mitos dan fakta
Mitos - Pil pencegah kehamilan boleh menghalang jangkitan HIV
Fakta - Hanya kondom lateks sahaja yang boleh menghalang jangkitan HIV dari seseorang yang positif HIV ke seseorang yang lain
Mitos - Aktiviti seks oral adalah selamat dari jangkitan HIV
Fakta - Kalau bendalir seksual yang mengandungi HIV masuk ke dalam mulut yang mempunyai luka, risiko jangkitan masih boleh berlaku
Mitos - Anda boleh mengetahui jika seseorang itu HIV+ dengan melihat raut muka orang tersebut.
Fakta - Anda hanya boleh mengetahui status kesihatan seseorang jika orang tersebut menjalani Ujian Antibodi HIV
Mitos - Jika anda dijangkiti HIV, anda tidak ada harapan lagi
Fakta - Terdapat ubat anti-HIV di pasaran yang boleh mengurangkan kemaraan HIV dalam badan serta memanjangkandan memperbaiki kualiti kehidupan seseorang yang positif HIV
Mitos - Semasa melakukan seks selamat mahupun seks tak selamat, anda tidak akan dijangkiti HIV jika zakar sempat dikeluarkan
Fakta - Anda masih menghadapi risiko jangkitan kerana air mazi mengandungi HIVdan mungkin juga terdapat tumpahan air mazi dari dalam kondom semasa zakar dikeluarkan.
Majlis AIDS Malaysia (Unit Maklumat Rawatan)
(03) 4043 9711 or 4045 1033 ext. 202
Mon - Fri 9.00 am - 5.30 am
Malaysian AIDS Council (Hopis Cahaya)
(03) 4045 0133 Mon - Fri 9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Positive Living
(03) 4044 4611 Mon - Sat 9.00 am - 5.30 am
Hospital Kuala Lumpur
(03) 2692 1044 ext 5228/5238
Mon - Fri 9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Hospital Universiti
(03) 7956 4422 Mon - Fri 9.00 am - 4.00 pm
(03) 2691 3681/91 Tue - Sat 10.00 am -6.00 pm
Community AIDS Service, Penang
(04) 229 9566 Mon - Fri 10.00 am - 5.00 pm
*majlis aids malaysia
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Akedemi Fantasia 4

demam af4 kembali lagi. mmg x buat keje laa nampaknya kat opis. melangut depan tv je laa. kakak2 dah booking awal2 sofa dalam bilik rehat. kalo dah berkumpul, mmg kalah laa aznil punya celoteh. bilik rehat bawah lak penuh ngan kaki2 bola. kalo dah siok tgk, CO lalu pon tak perasan. sorang tabik, berterabur yang lain bangun. *matilah pegawai waren kena tarik telinga buat2 tak nampak CO katanya..
disini peserta 'paveret' katanya pilihan akak2 bilik rehat

"akak timah pilih budak masuk top 12 nanti. muka cam anak akak. comel, ensem dan nampak cam berbakat"
*motif??? anak akak laa.. mcm berbakat katanya
"suka ati akak laa nak undi sapa. hidup haziq!! af undi okay"
"akak su lak suke ngan minah ni. org kampo ni"
"OooOOoo... yer ke. undi tak nanti?"
"baik aku beli kepek"
"huh.. gitu"
"yang ko tanya mcm2 ni, sapa plajar pilihan ko"
"ada laaa... *biarlah rahsia"
"tue pon nak rahsia?"
"ok laa.. ni hah tak masuk rangking lagi"
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
How To Buy An MP3 Player That Works For You
If you've just decided that the time is now right to buy an MP3 player then you might well feel completely confused about the choices you have to make. It doesn't matter whether you have a big budget or whether you want to keep it cheap and simple - there are a bewildering number of different players out there to choose from. Like any purchase if you buy the right MP3 player then you'll spend your money wisely - buy the wrong model and you'll end up having to spend more money in the long run.
The key thing to think about first of all when you look to buy an MP3 player is the type of player that will suit you best. There are two primary choices for you here. The first type of portable player you can look at is one that uses Flash memory. Players that use Flash memory have no moving parts - they work on an embedded memory chip. So, these models will be small and won't skip or jog even if you're training for a sprint or working out at the gym.
The downside here is that you won't get a huge memory capacity with a Flash player - but, if you're only using the machine to listen to music for short periods while you exercise or while you are out and about for a few hours then this won't be an issue.
The second type of MP3 player to consider is one that works on a hard drive principle. These machines hold their memory in a hard drive just like a computer - so they can hold more memory as they will have larger capacity than Flash drive models. Nowadays it's perfectly feasible to buy a player with a massive 60GB of built-in memory which is enough to keep the keenest music fan happy for a long time!
This does mean that these kinds of players will be larger than Flash based models - but with today's technology this won't mean a huge increase in size. And, you will find that a player with a hard drive is that bit more fragile in terms of skipping/jogging. Basically these models are not designed to let you listen to your audio while undertaking strenuous exercise!
Your choice here really comes down to what you want to buy an MP3 player for. If you have a vast CD collection that you want to rip to a player or hanker after using a download service to build up your music collection then you'll probably end up opting for a player with a hard drive to get a decent memory capacity. But, if you simply want to take your player out while you exercise or while you commute to work then you may well opt for a Flash based player instead.
It is vital to get this choice right as - if you get it wrong - you'll probably find you end up upgrading sooner rather than later. You cannot add memory to the majority of MP3 players - you have to buy a new one if you need more capacity as time goes on. There are however some players that come with memory card capacity slots which could be an alternative solution but this won't allow you to store all of your music on the player and you'll have to keep a library of memory cards as well.
For many of us the MP3 player of choice is the Apple iPod. This player has become a 'must-have' fashion accessory as well as a great MP3 player. There's nothing wrong with going with an iPod because it looks good and you'll score some points with your friends - but, if this isn't so important to you, then do shop around and look at other models before you make your final choice. Many manufacturers have made great moves to make their players look just as good as Apple's products (take a look at the Creative Zen Micro range as an example) and many will even give you features and benefits that you won't get from an iPod.
Many of us buy an MP3 player on impulse but this really isn't the way to go. If you want to make the right choice for your needs you should do dome research first and the easiest way to do this is to go online and read some reviews or guides - ideally those written by other consumers like yourself as well as the official literature produced by the manufacturers. These kinds of consumer reviews will give you a great idea of how a digital player will actually work 'in the field' so you'll get an instant feel for the best player for your needs.
For example, if you read reviews on particular players you'll learn all kinds of stuff that you wouldn't otherwise be able to find out without buying and using a player. There are all kinds of issues associated with finding the right player that don't get covered elsewhere. A good review, however, will tell you all about stuff such as:
Downloading compatibility You may be able to find out if the player you favor works with specific MP3 music download services or not. Don't assume that all players work with all services as this isn't the case.
Battery life Some players have a built-in battery that you need to recharge and others work on standard batteries. In either case you need to get a feel for how long a battery charge will actually last - if your batteries only last a couple of hours then your player will be expensive to run and not as truly portable as it should be. The actual battery time can be a lot less than the time quoted by manufacturers in their marketing literature.
Software issues Most MP3 players come with their own software to help you manage your audio ripping and downloads. If you take some time to look at reviews you'll get an idea for how the software works and how useful it actually is from people that have already used it.
Sound quality One of the biggest issues with MP3 players is the sound playback quality of the players. A good review will tell you what you need to know here.
Ease of use All MP3 players are not equal and some are not as easy or as convenient to use as you might think. Again, consumer player reviews will give you an insight into this.
Finally, the best way to buy an MP3 player is to make sure that you get it at the cheapest cost possible. Prices in the sector are extremely changeable and it's always possible to get a good bargain if you shop around a little. Online price comparison sites are always very good at digging out the lowest cost with major stores both on and offline and could help you save a lot of money.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Over seven million fans look forward to the biggest-ever World Cup party
The stage is set: It is estimated that between seven and eight million people are expected to attend the official Fan Fests in the twelve World Cup Host Cities – twice as many as in the stadiums.
Following a working group meeting with the Host Cities in Frankfurt, Organising Committee (OC) Senior Vice-President Horst R. Schmidt announced: ”The ticketing problem has been discussed often enough, so we are very happy that we have secured an agreement with the 12 World Cup Host Cities and FIFA to have live broadcasts on giant screens. Fans will be able to share the World Cup experience locally, even if they have not been able to obtain match tickets.
Free entry for all
The live screening of 56 World Cup matches by the ARD,ZDF and RTL TV broadcasting companies has been agreed (8 games are to be played concurrently). Additionally the broadcasts will also include an attractive entertainment and music programme. Many of the live TV and radio broadcasts will come from the central Public Viewing sites in the twelve Host Cities, particularly on days where there are no matches. Fans will not be charged to watch the live match broadcasts and temporary OC 'fan embassies' will be erected to cater specifically for visitors from abroad.
FIFA Official Partners Coca Cola, Hyundai, MasterCard and Toshiba will be involved in all twelve cities, funding basic infrastructure for each Host city. In Berlin Phillips will also be involved. According to Horst R. Schmidt, “The cities, rather than the OC or FIFA, are responsible for organising the events. Particular attention must be paid to ensuring the same level of security is achieved as in the stadiums.”
Fifa: A very good solution for everyone
The cities can recover their costs by charging for vending sites or through sponsorship deals with local and regional businesses, provided they do not compete with Official Sponsors. Local and regional breweries will therefore be in a position to sell their beer alongside Anheuser Busch. There will also be a wide range of international and local gastronomic specialties on offer.
“We are delighted that the cities, working closely with the OC and FIFA, have been able to set up these events for fans and visitors, which is a first for the World Cup in this form. This also means that every city will have two venues: the stadium and the Fan Fest. We have been able to come up with some excellent solutions, particularly in the marketing sphere”. commented FIFA General Secretary Urs Linsi.
Parties in another 800 towns and cities
Along with the official Fan Fests in the twelve World Cup Host Cities there will be live broadcasts on giant screens all over Germany. More than 800 towns and cities have registered non-commercial events with the rights holder Infront Sports & Media AG. Infront has also concluded an umbrella agreement with the licensed trade association DEHOGA to allow World Cup games to be screened free of charge in their pubs and beer gardens.There are no restrictions on these events, specifically where food and drink is concerned, as long as there are no entrance fees or the event is sponsored. Licenses are only required for commercial events and twenty applications have been registered to date. Infront will donate all income from these commercial licenses to the SOS Children's Villages foundation for the Official Charity Campaign of the 2006 Fifa World Cup, '6 villages for 2006'.
2006 World Cup Fan Fest venues:
Berlin: Brandenburg Gate/Strasse des 17.
JuniDortmund: Friedensplatz and Westfalenhallen
Frankfurt: 'Floating football arena' between Eiserner Steg and Ignatz-Bubis-bridge
Gelsenkirchen: Glückauf-Kampfbahn stadium,
SchalkeHamburg: Heiligengeistfeld
Hanover: Waterloo Platz
Kaiserslautern: Stiftsplatz and Platz an der Barbarossastrasse
Cologne: Heumarkt and Roncalliplatz
Leipzig: Augustusplatz
Munich: Olympiapark
Nuremberg: Volksfestplatz an der Bayernstraße
Stuttgart: Schlossplatz
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Langkawi Trip...
langkawi trip lagi tahun ni. aku tak tau laa apa ada kat sana sampai family aku beria nak kesana. Gamat, gamat dan gamat yang dibawa balik. stok setahun lak tue.. tapi tahun ni ada perubahan skit katanya. jangan bawa baju, pi sehelai sepinggang!
"what!! ayah nak pi baper jam je kat sana?"
"kita beli laa baju kat sana. beli beg pon kat sana.."
"motif?? "
tue satu pengalaman baru bagi aku maupon family. tapi aku dah kelain plak dalam kepala. untuk family trip tahun ni aku ingat nak drive ke pantai timur je. nak pi kelantan. shopping katanya.. aku pon tanya laa kat akak kelate kat tempat keje aku..
"kak, kat mana shopping best kat kelante tu? biar penuh bonet kete.."
"ala.. ko pi rantau panjang, beli toto 3 beg. penuh laa bonet kete ko."
"*suwey punya jawapan"
"akak nak kirim toto"
"ermm.. ok jer kalo muat... *ko ingat aku bawak lori pasir ke?.."
setelah abis kehulu hilir aku tanya org kelate, tak nak laa aku ke sana. macam tak best jer.. baik aku ke langkawi je nampaknya. harap2 takder apa2 yang boleh menghalang seperti 2 tahun lepas.
*menatang tul akak tue.. siap nak kirim kopok lekor skali.
world cup 2006: Gillette Best Young Player Award
The Gillette Best Young Player award has been created to recognise the impact made by young footballers in their first FIFA World Cup™. The tournament is constantly being rejuvenated by fresh talent - many of these players are relatively unknown even before the opening ceremony, but emerge as household names after the event. Who can forget the manner in which Iker Casillas, El Hadji Diouf, Landon Donovan, Samuel Eto'o and Park Ji Sung burst onto the scene in 2002?
New players bring fresh impetus to the game, changing the face of football with their fearless instinctive play and for the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany a new trophy has been introduced to honour them, namely the
the trophy
The award was designed and created by United Kingdom-based company, Fattorini - a crafts-artisans business founded in 1827. The firm also produced the FIFA U-17 World Championship Trophy and the FIFA Club World Championship TOYOTA Cup. The trophy which stands at 300mm high and weighs 4.2 kilograms is made from a copper alloy with zinc (90%-10%) and is plated with nickel, rhodium and oxidized sterling silver. The integral design came to life using a number of state-of-the-art techniques and weighs just over four kilograms.
"We had to amalgamate a whole series of concepts in this design," company director Tom Fattorini explained. "The principal concepts we wanted the trophy to evoke are: youth, dynamism and skill together with other aspects related to the sponsors, Gillette. Getting the correct balance proved to be extremely difficult, but I think we have succeeded in creating an award that will stand the test of time."
about the award
The award will be presented to the player who creates the biggest impact in Germany 2006. Judges will be looking for certain technical qualities such as skill, style and charisma but also other important facets such as a sense of fair play and a genuine impression that they are playing merely for the love of the game.
the technical study group
For the last four decades, the FIFA Technical Study Group (TSG) has analysed matches at international tournaments and highlighted the latest trends in the game.
FIFA's Technical Development section is headed by Germany's Holger Osieck, assistant coach to his country’s triumphant 1990 FIFA World Cup side. The TSG comprises world-renowned experts boasting a wealth of experience at international level, either as current or former national coaches. At FIFA tournaments their work includes observing training sessions and matches, and meeting and talking with national coaches.
The information is collected in a report made available to FIFA member associations afterwards as a development tool. The TSG's fundamental priorities remain the same: to maintain the development of the world's best loved sport.
selecting a player
Football fans from all over the world will be able to vote for their choice of Best Young Player for 2006 on From the opening game in Munich they will be able to select the player who makes the biggest impression on them during the tournament. After the semi-final the votes will be collected and the top three will join three more chosen by FIFA’s Technical Study Group (TSG) to create a shortlist of six. The winner will be chosen by the TSG.
how does the player qualify?
All players born on or after 1 January 1985 who play in the FIFA World Cup Germany 2006 will qualify for the 2006 Gillette Best Young Player award. When the 736 players are selected for the 32 squads at Germany 2006, will create a voting form for the public to register their choices once the tournament kicks off. Football fans from all over the world will then be able choose the young player they feel has left the biggest impression on Germany 2006.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Cheap Wedding Invitations-Don’t Sacrifice Quality
Wedding invitations are very expensive. If you’re trying to cut costs for a wedding and stick with a budget, cheap wedding invitations are the way to go. It is important to try to save money, but not sacrifice quality. There are many options for cheap wedding invitations that will give you the most for your money.
Print it yourself: This is a great way to save a lot of money. Most people already have a printer. If not, it is usually easy to find a family member or friend who has a printer available. There are many designs and themes to choose from. Whether the wedding is formal or casual, spring, fall, or winter, it is easy to find cheap wedding invitations for any style wedding.
Once a perfect set of printable cheap wedding invitations is selected, it is important to have some computer knowledge so the invitations print properly. If the bride, or whoever is in charge of printing invitations, needs some computer help, have someone who knows computers assist in the creating and printing process. There are typically many settings that affect the final appearance of the invitations. Someone with little or no computer knowledge may not be able to get the look they want as easily as someone with more computer know-how.
Assemble it yourself. If you’re looking for something a little more, but don’t want to spend the money, find an invitation that let’s you put it together yourself to save on costs. With cheap assemble it yourself invitations, a bride can choose the most elegant of invitations. Typical do-it-yourself invitations are one single sheet, but assemble-it-yourself invitations can come complete with ribbon, tissue lining, and specialty paper, to name a few things. It really is a wonderful way to enhance the look of wedding invitations without dropping big bucks. Again with assemble-it-yourself invitations, it is important to have computer knowledge to obtain the best look. It is also important to have knowledge of paper craft making so the invitations are assembled properly.
Doing-it-yourself cheap wedding invitations may be a little more time consuming than traditional invitations, but it will save money and help stick with a budget. There are so many options you are sure to find the perfect invitation for your wedding day. And with cheap wedding invitations, you will have more money to spend on things like the honeymoon.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Percutian ke pulau pangkor..
apa yang best sampai aku nak pi lagi ke pulau pangkor selepas tiga tahun? ermm... tah laaa. harap2 takder apa2 yang boleh menghalang. memang aku teringin bercuti ke sana.
tapi takder persediaan lagi. hotel tak survey. transportation tak decide lagi.
anywhere, harap2 jadi laa pi untuk tahun ni. tahun lepas dah ke langkawi.
Pangkor Laut Resort and Tanjong Jara Resort added yet another feather to their cap by winning the coveted Five Star Diamond Award 2004 given by The American Academy of Hospitality Sciences. Both Pangkor Laut Resort & Tanjong Jara Resort were chosen for the third time in a row for consistently maintaining overall standards of high quality and superb performance. A globally acclaimed recognition, the award stands for outstanding commitment to excellence and service within the hospitality industry.
The prestigious awards were presented by Mr. Joseph Cinque, President of The American Academy of Hospitality Sciences during a glamorous gala evening in Berlin in conjunction with Internationale Tourismus-Bourse 2004 (ITB Berlin, Germany) recently. Present to grace the ceremony were beauty queens Ms. Amelia Vega (Ms. Universe 03/04), Ms. Susie Castillo (Ms. USA 03/04), Ms. Tamy Farrel (Ms. Teen 03/04).
Take this opportunity to experience the award-winning facilities and services complemented with Malaysian hospitality offered at Pangkor Laut Resort & Tanjong Jara Resort.Source from Pangkor Laut & Tanjong Jara Resorts